Fulltext results:
- Older News Items 2
- mn> <WRAP box> [[evidence-tentative|{{:abrams-lin.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**TAKING THE STAND?** The... P box> [[evidence_denied|{{:less-is-more-redacted.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**LACK OF REDACTION** The... > <WRAP box> [[financial_review_findings|{{:files.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo><wrap em>PART 2</wrap>: *... P box> [[financial_review_committee|{{:santiago-2.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo><wrap em>PART 1</wrap>: *
- Older Items 3
- RAP box 500px> [[reassure_donors|{{:boxesopatches.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**AXANAR AIMS** to reassu... P box 500px> [[protective_order|{{:files-on-shelf.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**SIGNAL ABOUT DISCOVERY*... <WRAP box 500px> [[axanar_trailer|{{:trailer-full.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**THREE WEEKS** After scr... /star-trek-fan-fiction-451320|{{::newsweek-axanar.jpg|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**NEWSWEEK'S SPECIAL ISSUE** cel
- start
- ---- [[http://eepurl.com/hJNKp9|{{::petersvshawn.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ **PETERS NOW CHARGED WITH ASSAULT*... ] ---- [[jenkins-interview|{{Jenkins-interview-2.jpg?nolink}}]] \\ **BREAKING THE SILENCE** In an exte... ecf0787fd9d4dc8dc5c&id=c7a51a0ea8|{{:confidential.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ **FRAUD AND SETTLEMENT BREACHES** ... [[tardigrade_dismissal|{{:justice-anas-dismissed.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ **BUNGLED APPEAL** Nearly three we
- Older News Items
- column> <WRAP box> [[i09_wrong|{{:io9_anniversary.jpg?nolink}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**io9 GOT IT WRONG** The p... > <WRAP box> [[2017_top_10|{{:top_10_2017_graphic.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**BIGGEST STORIES** What ... WRAP box> [[december donor update|{{:donor_update.jpg?720&nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**ROSY PICTURE** OWC ... column> <WRAP box> [[hunt_resigns|{{:peters_hunt.jpg?nolink|}}]] \\ <wrap lo>**PATTERN OF DECEIT?** Bi
- news
- AP box> [[axacon_alpha_waves|{{:alpha_waves_radio.jpg?nolink}}]] <fs smaller>**AXACON ADVENTURES** In a... mn> <WRAP box> [[ares_digital_launch|{{:beta_test.jpg?720&nolink}}]] <fs smaller>**BETA TESTING** has b... RAP box>[[pokey_patreon|{{:new_warehouse_interior.jpg?nolink}}]] <fs smaller>**POKEY PATREON** In the f... AP box> [[ares_digital_beta|{{:ares-digital-login.jpg?nolink|}}]] <fs smaller>**DOUBLE DUTY** Axanar's
- Axanar Fan Convention Expected to Lose Money
- {{::axacon-logo-720px.jpg|}} ====== Axanar Fan Convention Expected to Lose Money ====== //**Ticket Pr... the three-day event in Atlanta. [{{ :alec_peters.jpg?nolink&150|**Alec Peters**}}] ===== Expected $5,... xpect everyone to be.(({{ ::peters_axacon_tickets.jpg?linkonly|Alec Peters post}}, Axacon 2018 Facebook... cluding ticket processing fees. [{{ ::trekguests.jpg|**TREK GUESTS** Star Trek actors J.G. Hertzler, G
- Peters Accused of Taking $94K from Enterprise Model Sale
- {{::tribbleations.jpg|}} \\ <fs smaller>**TRIALS AND TRIBBLE-ATIONS** A model of the Original Series U.... r, British Columbia, in 2016. [{{ ::gary_hutzel.jpg?320|Emmy-winning VFX artist **Gary Hutzel** died ... d his own prop sales company. [{{ ::dean_newbury.jpg?100|**Dean Newbury**}}] <WRAP center 90%> <fs sm... Monitor</fs></wrap>__**//</WRAP> [{{ :alec_peters.jpg?100|**Alec Peters**}}] <fs smaller>Alec Peters' t
- Studios, Axanar Release Trial's Witness List
- rightalign> {{::witness-trial-trek-court-martial.jpg|}} \\ <wrap lo><wrap lo>//Photo/Memory Alpha//</w... are not called by the defense. [{{ :alec_peters.jpg?100|**Alec Peters**}}] --> Alec Peters — 6 hrs t... 1 hr testimony, 1 hr cross# {{::diana-kingsbury.jpg?nolink&100 |}} [[perks|Kingsbury]] is Axanar's d... mins testimony, cross unknown# {{:terry-headshot.jpg?nolink&100 |}} [[terry_mcintosh|McIntosh]] was A
- Merchandise
- <WRAP box> {{:ares-model-contents.jpg|}} \\ <wrap lo>**U.S.S. ARES** This resin model kit is licensed b... lo>[emphasis added]</wrap> [{{ ::ares-box-cover.jpg?250|**FOR SALE** The Ares is only one of several ... re (operated by Ares Digital): {{::donor-store-3.jpg|}} * The "USS Ares T-shirt" is a black shirt p... on series. ==== Coffee ==== {{::coffee-slideshow.jpg|}} [{{ ::houseofkharnnewpicture_large.jpg?200|**H
- Defense, Plaintiffs Rebut Opposition to Summary Judgment
- <WRAP rightalign> {{::axanar-redacted.jpg?direct|}} \\ <wrap lo><wrap lo>//Graphic/Terry McIntosh//</w... AP right round info 50%> {{ ::ares-shield-command.jpg?nolink|}} <wrap lo>**What is Substantial Similari... ne, retrieved 12/8/16.)) \\ {{ ::command-insignia.jpg?nolink|}} <wrap indent> Moreover, the audience te... e 1, pp. 1-2, 12/5/16.)) [{{ ::netflix-star-trek.jpg?300|**AXANAR ON NETFLIX** Plaintiffs discovered A
- Website Sells Axanar Merchandise for Big Potential Profits
- <WRAP box> {{::author-author-announcement-1.jpg|}} <wrap lo>**FOR SALE** //An Alabama bookseller announ... uthor_author_bookstore_books_author_deep_discount.jpg?direct&300|**AXA-STUFF** Merchandise created with... awrenceville, Ga]]. [{{ ::laura-hayden-inventory.jpg?300|**TAKING STOCK** Author, Author!'s Laura Bear... raza, 10/27/17.)) [{{ ::laura_beard_hayden-alec.jpg?nolink&300|**FAN CONNECTION** Laura Beard Hayden
- Kickstarter Deletes Axanar Spam, Peters Suspends Refunds
- <WRAP box> {{::kickstarter-deleted.jpg?direct|}} \\ <wrap lo>**AXANAR SPAM** Just four of the dozens of... n non-disclosure agreements. [{{ ::peters-refund.jpg?direct&300|**PUT UP AND SHUT UP** Axanar producer... sulting backers.(({{::berry-complaint-kickstarter.jpg?linkonly|Kickstarter complaint from Axanar backer... r everyone.(({{ ::peters-berry-refund-kickstarter.jpg?linkonly |Alec Peters email to Eric Berry}}, 11/2
- What's Up With the Perks?
- <WRAP box> {{:60dollardonation.jpg|}} \\ <wrap lo>**A BLU-RAY DISC** originally offered as a reward for... ted, particularly regarding salaries. [{{ :merch.jpg?300|**AXANAR MERCHANDISE** ready to ship out from... p lo>//Figure 1//</wrap> \\ {{::prelude_pie_chart.jpg?direct&400|}} \\ <wrap lo>//Click image to view f... at we won't be repeating.(({{:terry-shipping-post.jpg?linkonly|View screenshot}} of Terry McIntosh Face
- Crowdfunding Platforms
- {{TOC}} [{{::starfleet-procurement-475px.jpg?445|**SUPERIOR FUNDRAISING** Axanar produced this patch t... kstarter Details]]//</wrap> {{ :kickstarter_logo.jpg?nolink&100|}} This was the first of Axanar's thr... == Distribution of Backers === {{::prelude-chart.jpg?direct|}} <WRAP centeralign> <wrap lo>//Click ima... kstarter Details]]//</wrap> {{ :kickstarter_logo.jpg?nolink&100|}} This month-long crowdfunding campa
- Former CTO Leaks ‘Fully Revised, Locked’ Axanar Script
- {{::axanar-script-leak.jpg?nolink|}} \\ <wrap lo>**NOT HAPPY** Axanar's former chief technologist leake... script appeared to disagree. [{{ :locked-script.jpg?300|The script that launched a lawsuit.}}] =====... n June 28, 2017, following a {{ ::peters-mcintosh.jpg?linkonly|post by Peters}} in which he misstated t... s|settled]] in January 2017. [{{ :terry-headshot.jpg?direct&152|**Terry McIntosh**}}] ===== Axanar Res