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Photo: Fan Film Factor

ARES STUDIOS SEES PRODUCTIONS at last — by Georgia high school students. Providing facilities for kids is one of Alec Peters’ justification for Axanar fans to pay his warehouse rent.

Foundering Patreon Prompts Feel-good Coverage

Foundering Patreon: In the midst of the longest dearth of new donations in the Ares warehouse effort, Axanar’s mouthpiece, the Fan Film Factor blog, shines a spotlight on the Georgia high school students producing short films on the Ares bridge set.

  • Student films: Blogger Jonathan Lane praises the efforts by kids, led by teacher Pasha Souvorin. Lane features four such films in his blog.
  • A pitch for Patreon: The feel-good educational opportunity at the Ares warehouse, published early Friday, offers Lane the chance to remind readers Alec Peters’ Patreon effort needs help.
  • Drought of donations: Lane’s article caps seven days of zero new donors to the $4,000 monthly effort to keep the warehouse open. Except for one day with one new $5 donor, the streak extends to a total of nine days.
  • Why this matters: No one can deny that students learning skills is a good thing offered by Peters, and their films are certainly heartfelt efforts. But the bigger picture is whether that’s really what donors signed up for, or if helping kids was supposed to be a side-benefit of the real goal: providing a production facility for the long-promised Axanar shorts.
  • Money better spent? Ask yourself this: Would the school district rather have free occasional use of the same set over and over again, or would it rather add another $48,000 a year directly to its video program’s budget (the amount Peters seeks for the warehouse on an annual basis).
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