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CBS-Axanar Settlement Agreement
45 Hits, Last modified:
ly the “Defendants”) on the other hand. Each may be referred to herein individually as a “Party,” and... ribution_of_prelude_to_axanar|Paragraph 4]] shall be on a completely non-commercial basis. For this p... guidelines.)) published in June of 2016, (as may be updated from time to time), which are attached he... a subtitle.)) However, any such subtitle may not be in immediate proximity to the title “Axanar.”((Th
Why the Danger Posed by Peters is Worth a Court Battle
41 Hits, Last modified:
o level, we’re going to examine what I believe to be some of the most notorious offenders, beginning w... even those who thought they knew how bad it could be.   ===== Alec Peters' Lawsuit ===== **Q. Exactly... obfuscation and the moving of goalposts seems to be a tactic intended to overwhelm his targets. Peter... re. Now, any objection to my copyright would only be a matter for a federal court, and would really on
Axanar Supporters’ Report Critiques Fan Film Guidelines
37 Hits, Last modified:
e, the report is the focus of what he hoped would be a letter-writing campaign to CBS officials urging... ens or potentially hundreds of these reports will be mailed so that maybe, just maybe, the executives ... her quarter of the guidelines were "determined to be either somewhat confusing or not specific enough.... spective on these matters in the hope there might be a middle ground where some of the most restrictiv
Fan Productions Guidelines Comparisons
33 Hits, Last modified:
is Contest only, provided that such license shall be conditioned upon your assignment to Sponsor of al... or officially licensed Star Wars® products shall be null and void). \\ \\ At all times, as between Sp... ^ Explanation | | “1. The fan production must be less than 15 minutes for a single self-contained ... Video exceeds five (5) minutes in length, it will be disqualified. \\ \\ —
“You may submit only one (1
The Axanar That Might've Been
30 Hits, Last modified:
actors, filming in Tico NY or Kingsland GA would be a bit challenging. Plasma screens and computers t... ents (consoles, walls, the captain's chair, etc.) be built offsite and brought in for final assembly o... before you get the space. I understand that might be different in film. I'd just like a reason if you can provide one. Not trying to be snarky on either point. I'm really just trying to
29 Hits, Last modified:
7, Axanar spokesman Morey Altman said: > Just to be clear, these aren't "Alec's Guidelines." They wer... e suggestions to Alec as to what (we felt) should be taken out of the draft we were shown."((Private F... sion regarding these guidelines, nor will we ever be," stated co-producer Lisa Hansell. "Todd [Haberko... , think this rule is of 'paramount' importance to be able to continue doing what we enjoy doing so muc
Formatting Syntax @wiki
25 Hits, Last modified:
up language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all p... ly create links by default, but this behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If Dok... "local zone"). * For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled through different workaround mentioned in... zilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying to open a Windo
Peters to Open Axanar Finances to Limited Inspection
24 Hits, Last modified:
of Axanar receipts and invoices were scheduled to be on display for just two hours for Axacon attendee...|"Full Axanar Financials to be Displayed to Attendees During Axacon: Interview w...
For the Love of Spock: Let This be Their Last Battlefield
22 Hits, Last modified:
direct|}} ====== For the Love of Spock: Let This be Their Last Battlefield ====== <WRAP left box 175... e movies alone for the past few years, I wouldn’t be surprised if they suddenly announced they had bui...|originally published]] on... nfo/|plenty of tidbits]] that indicate this could be the kind of serialized, ensemble show both modern
Motions to Dismiss
20 Hits, Last modified:
to dismiss a meritorious legal complaint may not be worth the price of the defense’s credibility with... however, only rarely grant dismissals, and it can be a risky move. Trying to dismiss what a judge can ... fundamentally meritorious legal complaint may not be worth the price of the motion and of the defense’... cuum, each of these elements may not individually be protectable by copyright. Plaintiffs, however, do
Which Kobayashi Maru?
20 Hits, Last modified:
kins presents no facts to show how Paramount will be compelled to reward copyright infringers who used... ing with (again, facts not in evidence) what must be Paramount's best possible outcome: ==== Pyrrhic ... their favor on all counts, the best result would be that the //Axanar// film will never see the light of day, and … [[Axanar Productions]] could be held liable for damages, legal fees, and court co
Axanar Tries to Rally Fan Films to Its Proposed Guidelines
19 Hits, Last modified:
r and Indiegogo, restrictions on perks that could be offered to donors and the ability to pay professi... “I just felt that all the active fan films should be able to share their thoughts together in a constr... . One source connected to CBS who asked not to be named reported that of the other fan productions ... TREK FAN FILM GUIDELINES**</WRAP> 1. There must be the following disclaimer at the end of each episo
Plaintiffs Oppose Dismissal Motion
18 Hits, Last modified:
copying pervading a work, courts have found it to be unnecessary to conduct a substantial similarity a... es of a work the less overall similarity that may be required.”((Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants'... abstract description of an element, and can only be done in an analysis of the work as a whole."((Pla... ideas, the plaintiffs point out a work must only "be original to be protected by copyright, which mean
Court Grants Studios' Request for Axanar Financials
16 Hits, Last modified:
granted an order allowing Axanar's financials to be entered into the record, still not visible to the public but possibly to be used in upcoming depositions, possibly with J.J. ... ial order (PDF)]] allowing Axanar's financials to be filed under seal with the court.}}] With [[disco... to conclude November 2, CBS and Paramount want to be able to: * Question Peters again following [[mi
Thin Financial Report and a New Crowdfund Campaign
16 Hits, Last modified:
nd**stage** isn't sound**proofed**, and may never be because of cost. <wrap lo>//Photo/Industry Studio... ] laid out his plans for: * Future fan films to be made by Axanar Productions. * Establishing what... ure length to two 15-minute segments: "These will be presented as Episodes Four and Five of The Four Y... sitions, thousands of dollars in what appeared to be [[summary_fact_check|lavish personal spending]] o
What's Up With the Perks?
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Official Star Trek Fan Film Guidelines
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Peters' Personal Spending Spurs Axanar Accounting
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Investor Group Plans to Buy Axanar's Studio Assets
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New Website Discloses Secret Axanar Documents
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Twisted Path to Discover Axanar's Studio Ownership
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Discovery-Axanar Speculation Fuels Spurious Debate
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Annual Report
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Axanar Studio Crowdfunding Campaign Begins March 20
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Peters' Update on Shipping Axanar Perks
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Axanar Myths
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Where Do We Go From Here?
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Copyright Infringement
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Defense Gives Up on Disputed Star Trek Copyrights
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Axanar, Studios Settle Lawsuit
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Axanar Scrambles to Ship Perks
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Judge Denies Axanar Its Fair Use Defense
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The Shoe is on the Other Foot
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The Does
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Timeline of the Case
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Podcast: Financial Audit, More Subpoenas
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Peters Prepares to Wage Legal War on More Critics
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Committee Reviews Only Part of Axanar's Finances
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Defendants' Answer
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Attorneys Focus on Axanar Jury Selection
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Former Axanar Officer Served with Subpoena
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Attorneys Attack Pre-Trial Evidence in Axanar Case
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Axanar Website's FAQ
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The Public Interest Behind Private Guidelines Talks
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Summary of the Legal Complaint
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Meet the Fan Editor Who Made 'Prelude: Redux'
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Axanar Aiming for Appeals Court Victory
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Trial Balloon for Axanar Funding Fails to Fly
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Horizon Creator: Axanar 'Not Wholly Innocent'
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Peters Admits Studio 'Not the Best Call'
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Judge Avoids Klingon Language Copyright Issue
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Judge Denies Attorneys' Attempt to Shield Evidence
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Older Items 3
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Endgame II: The Settlement
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Examining the Case Law Behind the Motion to Dismiss
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Judge Wants Evidence Discovery Creators Saw Game
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Court Orders Studios to Turn Over Documents
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Axanar Continues Public Appeal for Donations
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Axanar is Broke, Peters Claims
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Text-Only 2017 Top 10 Axanar Stories
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Trial Schedule
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CBS Official Explains Fan Film Guidelines
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Axanar Timeline
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Paying for Axanar Lite Delayed by Late Ares Digital
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Axanar's Abandoned Former Studio Continues to Flail
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Terry McIntosh Resigns
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Federation Falling?
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Was Ex Parte Ruling an Axanar Victory?
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Axanar Opposes Studios' Attempt to Exclude Evidence
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The Legal Merits of Peters' Settlement Offer
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Axanar Pulls Up Stakes for Move to Atlanta
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Questions Over Axanar-Backed Trek Museum Fundraiser
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Axanar Fan Convention Expected to Lose Money
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Former Axanar Chief Technologist Deposed
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Axanar Launches New Fulfillment Platform
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The State of Axanar
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Is Axanar Moving to a Smaller Warehouse or Not?
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Milton Santiago Statement
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Text-Only 2016 Top 10 Axanar Stories
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Crowd Fund for Axanar Expenses Abruptly Ended
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Judge Cancels Summary Judgment Hearing
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Axanar's Frustrating Search for Space to Store Sets
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Filings Shine Light on Weaknesses of Axanar Defense
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December 2017 Axanar Donor Update
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Crowdfunding Platforms
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Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
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Change in Character
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Plaintiffs: Peters Withheld Trove of Email
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Peters Wades Into Salary, Profit Debate
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Motion to Compel Discovery
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Other Attorneys
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Axanar's Chances on Appeal
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Tony Todd
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Protective Order
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AxaMonitor Privacy & Cookie Policies
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Reader: Axanar Fractures Fan Community
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Peters Sues Former Axanar Director in Georgia Court
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Scheduling Conference
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Axanar Removes Public Fundraising Plea — Sort of
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Production Halted
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Axanar Piggybacks Convention atop SphinxCon
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Not Much Progress Toward Settlement
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Older News Items 2
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Donors Complain Company Spammed Using Axanar List
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Alec Peters
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The 'Locked' Axanar Screenplay: A Review
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AxaMonitor's New Fact-Checking System
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Federal Magistrate Judge Charles F. Eick
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Direct Financial Benefit
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Peters Claims Spurious Victory in Burnett Lawsuit
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Axanar's Claims in New Captain's Logs
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Ambition vs. Achievement
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Moving the Goal Posts?
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Bawden's Broad Brush
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Axanar's Night of the Long Knives
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Fool Me Once, Shame on You
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Studios, Axanar Release Trial's Witness List
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Axanar's View of the State of the Suit
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Peters Hedges His Bets on Ares Warehouse
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Author Resources
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The Art and Science of Buying YouTube Views
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Axanar Productions
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Peters' Bluster Brings $15,000 Legal Challenge
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Axanar Trailer Removed After Criticism
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Older News Items
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Gerrold Repudiates Axanar Slur
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The Incredible Shrinking Studio
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Patreon Progress Slows Precipitously
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Has Ares Studios Passed Peak Patrons?
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Knowing Infringement?
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Prelude to Axanar
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Bookseller Pulls Axanar Merchandise
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Skin in the Game
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Examining Reel Trek Claims by Peters
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Director Burnett Resigns from Axanar
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Bloomberg Article Elides Important Axanar Facts
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New Court Filing Coming, Axanar Surrogate Says
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Plaintiffs Answer Counterclaim
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CBS Licenses Star Trek Fan Film Academy
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CBS Studios
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Paramount Pictures
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Axanar Leasing Warehouse in Lawrenceville, Georgia
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Guidelines Aftermath
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Axanar Response to Annual Report Analysis
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‘Intrepid’ Suspends Production
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GoFundMe Seeks $25K for Seuss-Trek Mashup Defense
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Facebook Glitch Slays Axanar Producer and Spokesman
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Defense Replies to Support Dismissal
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Axanar Seeks to Exclude Major Evidence, Witnesses
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CBS Officials
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Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing?
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Axanar App Removed from iTunes Store
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Contradictory Details Emerge in OWC Sponsorship
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A Missed May Target, a Moving Patreon Goal Post
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Erin Ranahan Interview
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Past, Present and Future in Axanar's Wake
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TrekZone Spotlight Interview
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Ares Digital 3.0 Gets a Launch Timeline
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Ares Studio Patreon a Bait-and-Switch?
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Axanar Co-Writer Announces Departure
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Another Company Emerges in Axanar Studio Ownership
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Foundering Patreon Prompts Feel-good Coverage
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Misinterpreting Patreon Data
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Fan-Edit of 'Prelude' Eliminates Alec Peters
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Secret Investors
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Writer Paul Jenkins to the Rescue?
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